A Guide to Ayuverdic Herbal Remedies

In accordance to the Ayuverdic concepts of healing as well as their unique forms of evaluation, diabetes is a form of disease that takes place when toxins have accumulated in tissues that causes blockage of circulation.

There are a number of causes that may be linked to diabetes according to ayuverda and this may be poor digestion, poor nutrition, physical and mental stress, disturbance in the natural biological cycle and the inequity of nervous system.

Practitioners of ayuverdic medicine are recommending a number of natural remedies to people. Among other treatments that are being suggested, yoga and exercise are deemed to be the most efficient and frequent. Ayuverda is prescribed in herbal format similar to shilajit, turmeric, neem, amalaki and the likes to be able to cure diabetes. These herbs are being advised as it's known to restore the balance of body and as a result, deemed as a nutritional supplement.

There are a number of important things however that should be remembered when taking ayurvedic herbal remedies for diabetes and these are listed below:

Number 1: Always make it a habit to take bitter lemon juice and bitter gourd regularly on an empty stomach.

Number 2: Combine bay leaf, aloe vera gel and turmeric. Make sure to take this mixture a minimum of 2 times per day ideally before you eat your lunch and dinner. Added references about this displayed in the site at http://americanindianimports.com.

Number 3: Make a powder from ingredients including white pepper, turmeric and fenugreek and partner it with a glass of milk.

Number 4: You can additionally take amlaki powder, haldi powder with honey twice per day.

Number 5: It is very effective for diabetic patients to take rose apple stone powders two times every day.

Number 6: Mix musta, triphala, fenugreek, ajwan, haritaki and arjuna by combining it with a ghee. It can yield to a positive result in your condition if you are going to take this mixture on a regular basis.

Like these, there are several types of ayuverdic herbal remedies that can be provided for diabetic patients. You can find some information about it when you go to the site at http://www.ehow.com/health/alternative-medicine/ayurveda/. These are easy to use and affordable making it a good option. There's another remedy available and that is preparing vasant kusumakar ras aside from the said remedies. Compared to other said options, this one is a bit more expensive but its regular intake is guaranteed to decrease your blood sugar levels.

However, when you decide to undergo in such treatment, you must be mindful that you avoiding intake of sweets, dairy products and carbohydrates, increase your vegetables, bitter fruits and herbs intake and at the same time, must include fried barley, ghee, porridge and cornflower to your diet is a must.